sSr. Landerretche - I seek an immediate consulting engagement with the CODELCO BOARD. My Team (in Chile) can help CODELCO bring forth a revolutionary accounting method that aligns with the UN definition of sustainability. Instead of Carbon Credit Taxes, Chile can bring forth "Clean Copper Assets", creating a new premium grade of copper worthy of capitalization of a Chilean "CLEAN COPPER DEVELOPMENT BANK". One such bank, set up immediately BY CODELCO -- can prevent an upcoming devaluation ( inflation) of the world´s currency and economy. CODELCO can uniquely supply a "soft landing" for the global economy that is at this moment, being forced to transition from a Petro Dollar reserve to Chinese/BRICS Bank gold reserve.
China is, in my view, abusing Chile by harboring copper concentrate for smelting as bank collateral. Why on earth is Chile not harboring its own concentrates, smelting them via cleanest fuels and industrial processes found uniquely and naturally in the Atacama? Chile should/can be the world´s apolitical backstop to the currency wars now in full effect, globally. I can walk you through all of the above. I have a master marketing and engineering plan to achieve the above with many milestones along the way worthy of your Board and Administration´s legacy. We are able to show CODELCO how to cause its copper to be valued as a precious metal just short of the value of today´s silver. We can create 1,000s of jobs in process of the above, and are able to do so quickly. I need a small consulting contract with the BOARD in order to make manifest a proper Kick-Off, Roll-Out between now and December. My lawyer is in Chile, and is able to negotiate a small contract with CODELCO without great fanfare...but I cannot do so without the Board´s participation. I have tried all other avenues... Sincerely, Charlotte M. Thornton Thank you for watching my quick video message. |
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