by Charlotte M. Thornton, M.A.
Many academics and policy analysts write about today´s global energy conumdrum. Experts travel the world consulting with governments desperately seeking to understand the viability of renewable energy and appropriate incentives to legislate. No new news, nor answers are surfacing; the same expert consultants are again the status quo. Unconventional gas is regarded as The New Oil & Only Solution given the magnitude of the projected global energy needs (24TW) and shortages (8TW). While some consider solar and wind The Solution, others lobby for Carbon Sequestration (CCS) despite its being advertised by Big Oil as the global solution to pollution when it is but a self-serving subsidy for enabling tertiary recovery of oil from old fields. Business As Usual reigns. Did you know that 40% more energy must be generated in order to clean so called clean coal?
Net Zero Energy must become a new mantra of policy makers and industrialists if ethics are to be restored to capitalism. For the the immorality of gas fracking and its Four Myths well presented, go here. The Global Village deserves more from the so called Energy Industry than more unethical, immoral and mis-use of natural resources whose profits serve so very few while delivering a 20th century energy paradigm for our 21st century. We must find a solution to Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth - both its controversial science, data, and analysis and his lack of solution other than a Carbon Tax whose derivatives benefit bankers, not Humanity. Current Energy Policies, worldwide, think nothing of it using more energy to extract and produce its downstream products, including elemental metals, than the energy and metal products delivered. In other words, there is no attempt to achieve "Zero Net Energy" and every sign that Community Social Responsibility (CSR) means Business as Usual but with more 'Doing Good Press'.
A Global Village master plan for negating Greenhouse Gas Emissions and pollution does not exist. UN IPCC COP PARIS 21 was yet another media meet-up with no solutions on par with The Apollo Program. The 1000 year history of pollution is being exacerbated as never before by China´s persistent use of coal for fueling new cities for 300,000,000 by 2030. China´s Greenhouse Gas Emissions is now confirmed to double by 18 Giga-tons by 2030. This amount impacts the entire world´s atmosphere and local pollution levels. Global solutions being put forth by decision makers range from taxation of G20 Nations' carbon footprint (that amounts to no more than a license to pollute at the ongoing expense of consumer and citizen health), to simply controlling energy demand via genocide (there are those among you that quietly agree that Oil Wars & ChemTrails conveniently 'depopulate' as a way to manage future global oil consumption of depletable reserves). Trade wars over solar panels, west Texas gas reserves being bought up by Chinese national oil companies, and the purported necessity of the Alberta Tar Sands being exported to the U.S. via a 2000 km pipeline to refineries in the Gulf of Mexico, are all tip offs that the present technology solutions have become manneristic (approaching the absurd). Mannerism is always the precursor to a culture or even entire civilizations falling off into the abyss that results in Primitivism -- unless a culture or society stops in its tracks and reverses it suicidal ways and means. A paradigm shift in the multi-trillion dollar, multi-sector energy industry is around the corner; rest assured it will be found moving away from Big Oil. The $180 trillion dollar global oil reserves are based on consumer demand - only. There are other options, other solutions for the consumer to vote on with their inflated Petro Dollars backed only in theory by increasingly "stranded (oil) assets."
While Al Gore´s controversial documentary presented a top down picture of the global warming debate, An Inconvenient Truth offered no solutions - and in fact, only created confusion and controversy. Geo-engineering solutions that propose to alter the earth´s weather patterns by spraying noxious nanoscale Barium, Strontium, and Aluminum particles based on a theory of reflecting the upper atmosphere´s sunlight before it exacerbates further greenhouse gas effects, are being tested without debate, or legislation, while the increase of urban emissions worldwide goes unabated with debate (!?). So called Geo-Engineering and Chemtrails are a form of genocide, not a mega-scale solution for the Global Village to turn to for preserving itself and Earth that feeds us. We aim to identify, prove out, and provide a crowd sourcing forum for A Convenient Truth, one whereby all citizens can vote with their dollars for an alternative Zero Net Energy global Clean Copper Supply Chain Alliance.
THE CONVENIENT TRUTH: Clean Copper documents one overlooked, very doable top down solution to both pollution and economic uncertainties behind the Petro Dollar and certain inflationary tactics in the offing. The opportunity is one that the Global Village can itself trigger and rally around. Demanding only Clean Copper in all that we do and buy is The Easy Button to push for all consumers seeking relief from fossil fuels and their perpetrated wars. The book unveils a bottom up and top down crowd sourcing plan by which consumer and industry alike can benefit, save for Big Oil, unless they too want to embrace progressive change with us as a way to offset their own Stranded Assets. √
Many academics and policy analysts write about today´s global energy conumdrum. Experts travel the world consulting with governments desperately seeking to understand the viability of renewable energy and appropriate incentives to legislate. No new news, nor answers are surfacing; the same expert consultants are again the status quo. Unconventional gas is regarded as The New Oil & Only Solution given the magnitude of the projected global energy needs (24TW) and shortages (8TW). While some consider solar and wind The Solution, others lobby for Carbon Sequestration (CCS) despite its being advertised by Big Oil as the global solution to pollution when it is but a self-serving subsidy for enabling tertiary recovery of oil from old fields. Business As Usual reigns. Did you know that 40% more energy must be generated in order to clean so called clean coal?
Net Zero Energy must become a new mantra of policy makers and industrialists if ethics are to be restored to capitalism. For the the immorality of gas fracking and its Four Myths well presented, go here. The Global Village deserves more from the so called Energy Industry than more unethical, immoral and mis-use of natural resources whose profits serve so very few while delivering a 20th century energy paradigm for our 21st century. We must find a solution to Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth - both its controversial science, data, and analysis and his lack of solution other than a Carbon Tax whose derivatives benefit bankers, not Humanity. Current Energy Policies, worldwide, think nothing of it using more energy to extract and produce its downstream products, including elemental metals, than the energy and metal products delivered. In other words, there is no attempt to achieve "Zero Net Energy" and every sign that Community Social Responsibility (CSR) means Business as Usual but with more 'Doing Good Press'.
A Global Village master plan for negating Greenhouse Gas Emissions and pollution does not exist. UN IPCC COP PARIS 21 was yet another media meet-up with no solutions on par with The Apollo Program. The 1000 year history of pollution is being exacerbated as never before by China´s persistent use of coal for fueling new cities for 300,000,000 by 2030. China´s Greenhouse Gas Emissions is now confirmed to double by 18 Giga-tons by 2030. This amount impacts the entire world´s atmosphere and local pollution levels. Global solutions being put forth by decision makers range from taxation of G20 Nations' carbon footprint (that amounts to no more than a license to pollute at the ongoing expense of consumer and citizen health), to simply controlling energy demand via genocide (there are those among you that quietly agree that Oil Wars & ChemTrails conveniently 'depopulate' as a way to manage future global oil consumption of depletable reserves). Trade wars over solar panels, west Texas gas reserves being bought up by Chinese national oil companies, and the purported necessity of the Alberta Tar Sands being exported to the U.S. via a 2000 km pipeline to refineries in the Gulf of Mexico, are all tip offs that the present technology solutions have become manneristic (approaching the absurd). Mannerism is always the precursor to a culture or even entire civilizations falling off into the abyss that results in Primitivism -- unless a culture or society stops in its tracks and reverses it suicidal ways and means. A paradigm shift in the multi-trillion dollar, multi-sector energy industry is around the corner; rest assured it will be found moving away from Big Oil. The $180 trillion dollar global oil reserves are based on consumer demand - only. There are other options, other solutions for the consumer to vote on with their inflated Petro Dollars backed only in theory by increasingly "stranded (oil) assets."
While Al Gore´s controversial documentary presented a top down picture of the global warming debate, An Inconvenient Truth offered no solutions - and in fact, only created confusion and controversy. Geo-engineering solutions that propose to alter the earth´s weather patterns by spraying noxious nanoscale Barium, Strontium, and Aluminum particles based on a theory of reflecting the upper atmosphere´s sunlight before it exacerbates further greenhouse gas effects, are being tested without debate, or legislation, while the increase of urban emissions worldwide goes unabated with debate (!?). So called Geo-Engineering and Chemtrails are a form of genocide, not a mega-scale solution for the Global Village to turn to for preserving itself and Earth that feeds us. We aim to identify, prove out, and provide a crowd sourcing forum for A Convenient Truth, one whereby all citizens can vote with their dollars for an alternative Zero Net Energy global Clean Copper Supply Chain Alliance.
THE CONVENIENT TRUTH: Clean Copper documents one overlooked, very doable top down solution to both pollution and economic uncertainties behind the Petro Dollar and certain inflationary tactics in the offing. The opportunity is one that the Global Village can itself trigger and rally around. Demanding only Clean Copper in all that we do and buy is The Easy Button to push for all consumers seeking relief from fossil fuels and their perpetrated wars. The book unveils a bottom up and top down crowd sourcing plan by which consumer and industry alike can benefit, save for Big Oil, unless they too want to embrace progressive change with us as a way to offset their own Stranded Assets. √